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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation

Average Annual PMT, VMT Person Trips and Trip Length by Trip Purpose

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table_01_42_122723.xlsx (47.81 KB)


Children aged 0-4 are excluded from 2001 NHTS.

All tables reporting totals could include some unreported characteristics.

MOE is Margin of Error. CI is Confidence Interval. Margin of Error calculated using jackknife method and replicate weights.

1990 person and vehicle trips were adjusted to account for survey collection method changes (see 2001 Summary of Travel Trends Appendix 2). The survey collection method was changed from a one-stage survey in 1990 (with retrospective collection of travel day trips) to a two-stage survey with a travel diary in 1995 and later. The result of this improvement was to increase the accuracy and number of trips reported and to decrease the survey response rate. 


KEY: PMT - Person Miles of Travel; VMT - Vehicle Miles of Travel.


U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Federal Highway Administration, National Household Travel Survey data, available at as of Dec. 20, 2023.