U.S. Automobile and Truck Fleets by Use
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table_01_14_062422.xlsx (29.12 KB)Notes:
Staring in 2001, data do not include employee-owned fleet information as the source has stopped publishing the data.
Business and Utilities have been combined starting in the 2002 issue of the Automotive Fleet Fact Book.
The data source, Bobit Publishing, stoped publishing Police and Taxi data after 2016.
Data for 2006-08 are as of Jun. 1st. Data after 2008 are as of Jan. 1st.
Current version of this table is not comparable with earlier versions because of changes in data source in 2006.
KEY: N = data do not exist; SUV = sport utility vehicle; U = data are not available.
a The data source, Bobit Publishing, changed data collection categories in 1999 and again in 2002.
b Includes driver schools.
c Includes military vehicles and federal, state, county, and local government vehicles.
d Businesses with Class 1-5 trucks may include leasing, construction, plumbing, heating, food distribution, pest control, cable TV, etc.
e After 2013, fleets of 4 to 14 vehicles are considered non-fleet.
f Fleet totals don’t include fleets less than 15 after 2013 or before 1995.
g 2005 data are not available.
1990-2016: Bobit Publishing Co., Fleet Vehicles by Industry Segment, annual issues, available at https://www.automotive-fleet.com/statistics as of Oct. 9, 2020.
2017-21: U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Transportation Energy Data Book, Edition 40, table 8.1 (Oak Ridge, TN), available at https://tedb.ornl.gov/data/ as of Jun. 21, 2022.