BTS Updates National Transportation Statistics with Annual Cost of Car Ownership, Transportation Fatalities, and Other Historical Tables
The Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) today released its monthly update to National Transportation Statistics (NTS), a guide to historical transportation trends at the national level.
This month’s featured table, Average Cost of Owning and Operating an Automobile, speaks directly to consumer pocketbooks. The October release also features tables on transportation safety as well as transportation and pollution.
Average Annual Cost of Owning and Operating an Automobile
(Current dollars; assumes 15,000 miles driven per year)
Recently Updated Tables by Topic:
Multimodal Safety
- Transportation Fatalities by Mode (2-1)
- Injured Persons by Transportation Mode (2-2)
- Transportation Accidents by Mode (2-3)
Air Safety
- U.S. Air Carrier Safety Data (2-9)
- U.S. Commuter Air Carrier Safety Data (2-10)
- U.S. Air Carrier Fatal Accidents by Defining Event of Operation (2-11)
- U.S. Commuter Air Carrier Fatal Accidents by Defining Event of Operation (2-12)
- U.S. On-Demand Air Taxi Safety Data (2-13)
- U.S. General Aviation Safety Data (2-14)
Highway Safety
- State Laws on Distracted Driving - Ban on Hand-Held Devices and Texting While Driving (2-25)
Transportation and Consumer Expenditures
- Average Cost of Owning and Operating an Automobile (3-17)
Air Pollution
- Areas in Nonattainment of National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Criteria Pollutants (4-52)
Water Pollution, Noise, and Solid Waste
- Highway Noise Barrier Construction (4-56)
Modal Profiles
Contact: Todd Solomon (202) 366-0573,