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U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Department of Transportation Icon United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation

BTS Updates National Transportation Statistics 09/30/2024

Monday, September 30, 2024

Today, the Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) released its monthly update to National Transportation Statistics (NTS), a guide to historical national-level transportation trends.

This month’s updated data tables include the Number of U.S. Airports, Airport Runway Pavement Conditions, Principal Means of Transportation to Work, U.S.-Canadian Border/ U.S.-Mexican Land-Passenger Entering the U.S.,     U.S. Gross Domestic Product Attributed to Transportation Functions, Injured Persons by Transportation Mode, and the Transit Profile.

Recently Updated Tables by Topics:

Physical Extent

  • Number of U.S. Airports (1-3)


  • Airport Runway Pavement Conditions (1-25)

Travel and Goods Movement

  • U.S. Air Carrier Aircraft Departures, Enplaned Revenue Passengers, and Enplaned Revenue Tons (1-37)
  • Principal Means of Transportation to Work (1-41)
  • U.S.-Canadian Border Land-Passenger Gateways: Entering the United States (1-47)
  • U.S.-Mexican Border Land-Passenger Gateways: Entering the United States (1-48)

Multimodal Safety

  • Injured Persons by Transportation Mode (2-2)

Transportation and the Economy

  • U.S. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Attributed to Transportation Functions (billions of chained 2012 dollars) (3-4)

Modal Profiles
